Learning to Walk in Balance
A person who walks in balance cultivates harmony, within themselves, with others, and in their environment.
Indigenous women moving away from incarceration are on a distinct journey to develop their Mental Emotional, Physical and Spiritual connection. TWHLS draws on Indigenous traditional teachings and offers a holistic experience within the Healing Lodge, By providing innovative community-based transitional housing and support services l that address the root causes of Indigenous women’s conflict with the law, empowering them on their journey out of the justice system and toward independence
Reducing Recidivism
Indigenous women who have a strong sense of self have a better chance of success post-release, including reuniting with their children and becoming positive role models for the generations that follow.
All Services and programs including the assessments and care plans will be performed from a cultural, holistic, trauma-informed, Medicine Wheel perspective – offering the residents, a comprehensive, community based alternative to post incarceration care.
The Healing Lodge Program is an intensive, structured, daily program for all residents exiting corrections or before the courts. Grounded in the Seven Grandfather Teachings and the Medicine Wheel, the programming will focus on culture and traditions, meeting the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental aspects of the individual. Support programs will address historical traumas, life skills, and reconnection to culture – providing a platform to reclaim the rightful and dignified place in community these women deserve.
Restoring Identity

Indigenous women who have a strong sense of self have a better chance of success post-release, including reuniting with their children and becoming positive role models for the generations that follow.
All Services and programs including the assessments and care plans will be performed from a cultural, holistic, trauma-informed, Medicine Wheel perspective – offering the residents, a comprehensive, community based alternative to post incarceration care.
The Healing Lodge Program is an intensive, structured, daily program for all residents exiting corrections or before the courts. Grounded in the Seven Grandfather Teachings and the Medicine Wheel, the programming will focus on culture and traditions, meeting the emotional, physical, spiritual and mental aspects of the individual. Support programs will address historical traumas, life skills, and reconnection to culture – providing a platform to reclaim the rightful and dignified place in community these women deserve.
Providing Housing

Housing security has been shown to be a critical barrier for formerly incarcerated individuals to overcome. Without adequate housing and supports upon release, Indigenous women exiting corrections find themselves living in unsafe, unaffordable, and precarious housing – and vulnerable to the same forces that led to earlier conflict with the law.
Affordable transitional housing with adequate supports provides the tools necessary for individual capacity building and healing. Anchored in the evidence-informed “Housing First” approach, TWHL will provide 12 beds and wrap-around supports for women exiting corrections or before the courts. and an additional 12 affordable residential units for women who have completed the healing lodge program but need additional transitional supports to regain independence.
We believe the best way to reduce the number of Indigenous women in Canada’s jails is to create opportunities to thrive.
Creating Opportunity

We believe the best way to reduce the number of Indigenous women in Canada’s jails is to create opportunities to thrive.
That Stable employment – and all the benefits that stem from it – are protective factors against reoffending. It is one of the single most effective ways to reintegrate individuals into society and reduce recidivism.
Individuals released from incarceration face a host of challenges upon release, from obtaining gainful employment and stable housing to receiving services for substance abuse, physical and mental health issues — challenges that, if not overcome, are associated with costly returns to incarceration. Employment reintegration strategies are crucial to successfully build an independent life post-release
TWHL will work with Lodge residents and partner organizations to build livelihood skills that resonate with and reinforce each woman’s individual interests, strengths, and goals. Key among our activities will be Indigikwe – a work-integration social enterprise that will build a combination of employment and entrepreneurial competencies for participants.