Support Thunder Woman

Your Support Makes A Difference

Thunder Woman Healing Lodge supports vulnerable Indigenous women journeying out of the corrections system to overcome trauma and prevent future conflicts with the law. Our capital campaign is a key funding priority to help us complete construction of Toronto’s and Ontario’s first – and urgently needed – healing lodge for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis women. Learn more about our Capital Campaign.  

Donate Now

Charitable donations to Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society can be made online through

Donate by Mail

Donations can also be made by mail by sending a cheque to:

Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society
413 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5A 2A9, Canada

Make Cheques Payable to: 
Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society

Charitable receipts are issued automatically for donations made via Canada Helps. For donations made directly to Thunder Woman Healing Lodge, we will issue charitable receipts within our soonest delay. If you’ve made a donation and require a charitable receipt, please contact us.

Charitable Registration No. 735053126-RR-0001

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